About Us

Oil & Gas Asset Acquisition & Management

Domestic Energy Production for a Stronger America

ENR Operating is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Eagle Natural Resources, an independently owned oil and gas asset acquisition and management company with an extensive – and growing – portfolio of income-producing assets and developmental drilling inventory nationwide.

Our acquisition model focuses on proven-producing fields with extensive infrastructure, existing wells for immediate cash flow, and upside through additional drilling, recompletion and/or reworks.

Specifically, Eagle targets financially-distressed energy assets that will immediately benefit from operational improvements paid for with an infusion of capital. Our baseline goal for each project is driving a minimum 200 percent increase in production through smart redevelopment.

Oil & Gas Asset Portfolio

  • 11 properties with 85+ producing wells across 4,000+ acres
  • 60+ PUD drilling locations under lease and held by production (HBP’d)
  • 3.65 MMBO in booked PUD reserves + 8.6 MMBO in upside reserve potential

Meet Eagle’s Founder & President:

Income & Development

Income/Growth Potential & Tax Advantages


Proved Developed PUD Drilling

Tax-Advantaged Investing & Turn-Key Participation


Eagle Natural Resources is proud to be a part of America’s drive for energy independence.

We welcome like-minded, high net worth individuals to join us.